The Lambourn is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), however it is currently classified as ‘Unfavourable, recovering’ condition.
As a result, Action River Kennet (ARK) have set up ‘Love the Lambourn’ which is a volunteer based river restoration project of this rare chalkstream habitat, that runs through West Berkshire. The Project will carry out river habitat improvements to make the river more robust and healthy for its unique wildlife in the river and along its banks. Volunteers will learn how to create brushwood mattresses in the river (using locally sourced natural materials) which will be planted up with a range of native marginal plants. The plant roots will then trap silt (like a sieve), filter pollution runoff from the roads and consolidate the bank, preventing erosion and joining up the riverbank corridor for wildlife. Plastics are also an issue in our rivers, as well as the ocean, so part of ‘Love the Lambourn’ will be to hold Clean Up sessions removing in-river litter, much of which if left will contribute toxins to the water (this year ARK have already removed everything from mattresses to bikes, countless plastic bags, clothing and bottles). ARK have a long track record of successful (and award winning) river restoration and the volunteers who take part find it hugely positive and rewarding –and so do the wildlife and biodiversity! There are ‘Love the Lambourn’ volunteering days on: Saturday 14th May 10am-3pm Wednesday 25th May 10am-3.30pm Saturday 25th June 9.30am-3.30pm If you'd like to get involved please book your space by calling Anna at ARK on m: 07780381709 Or visit the Action River Kennet Website Or by email [email protected] (No experience is necessary and equipment will be supplied)
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